A | REGULAR REPORTING: Prepare and submit to the Bank regular monitoring reports on the environmental, social, health and safety (ESHS) performance of the Project, including but not limited to, stakeholder engagement activities and grievances log. | Quarterly, throughout Project implementation. | MOH PMSU |
1.1 | ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: The MOH shall maintain a Project Management Support Unit (PMSU) with qualified staff and resources to support management of ESHS risks and impacts of the Project including one environmental and one social specialist to be assigned. | One environmental and one social specialist shall be assigned/hired within 30 days after the Effective Date. Activities that might commence earlier than appointment of ES staff of the PMSU, will be managed by the existing PMSU staff, and the staff of relevant departments of MOH PMSU maintained throughout Project implementation | MOH PMSU |
1.2 | ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT/MANAGEMENT PLANS AND INSTRUMENTS/ CONTRACTORS a.Assess the environmental and social risks and impacts of proposed Project activities,in accordance with the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) to be prepared, disclosed and adopted for the Project,including to ensure that individuals or groups who, because of their particular circumstances, may be disadvantaged or vulnerable, have access to the development benefits resulting from theProject. b.Prepare, disclose, adopt, and implement any environmental and social management plans or other instruments required for the respective Project activities based on the assessment process, in accordance with the ESSs, including the ESMF, the Infection Control and Waste Management Plan (ICWMP), Labor Management Plan (LMP) and Stakeholder Engagement Plan),,the EHSGs, and other relevant Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) including the relevant WHO guidance on COVID-19 response, in a manner acceptable to the Bank. c.Incorporate the relevant aspects of this ESCP, including, inter alia, any environmental and social management plans or other instruments, ESS2 requirements, and any other required ESHS measures, into the ESHS specifications of the procurement documents and contracts withcontractors and supervising firms. Thereafter ensure that the contractors and supervising firms comply with the ESHS specifications of their respective contracts. | a.Before the carrying out of the relevant Project activities, and within 30 days after the Effective Date. Until the Project E&S instruments are approved, the Project will apply the WHO standards on COVID-19 response in a manner consistent with ESS1. b.Before the carrying out of the relevant Project activities, within 30 days after the Effective Date, and thereafter throughout the carrying out of such activities. c.Before launching the procurement process for the relevant Project activities, and thereafter throughout the carrying out of such activities. | MOH PMSU |